La convention no 158 dans l ‘ Avis de la Cour de Cassation

ILO Convention 158 in the Opinion of the Cour de Cassation on compensation limits.

Dans deux notes publiées en mars et en avril, j´avais anticipé les orientations qui pourrait prendre la Cour de Cassation lors de l´examen des décisions des conseils des prud´hommes en relation avec l´article 10 de la convention no 158 et de l´article 24 de la Charte Sociale Européenne révisée. Mes intuitions ont été confirmés par… Seguir leyendo La convention no 158 dans l ‘ Avis de la Cour de Cassation

Promoting international standards on employment termination in Georgia

Intense discussion on employement termination with highly qualified lawyers and social partners in Tbilisi.

La convention no 158 est-elle la meilleure alliée des revendications syndicales sur les indemnités de licenciement ?

French Labour Courts are challenging the conformity with ILO Termination of Employment Convention (Convention No. 158) with the limits of severance benefits imposed by national legislation passed in 2017. The ILO has accepted that severance packages reduced by Spain in 2012 were in line with Convention No. 158.

Un jugement du conseil des prudhommes de Troyes, la convention no 158 de l’OIT et les décisions du Comité Européen des Droits Sociaux sur la législation finlandaise concernant l’indemnisation du licenciement

A French Labour Court decision regarding dismissal compensation and ILO Convention No. 158

2016 Human Rights Council report and resolution on the right to work  

  The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights requested the ILO to contribute to a report on the realization of the right to work. Using the materials that I worked over the years, I contributed to the preparation of the overview submitted to the Human Rights Council by showing which were the relevant international… Seguir leyendo 2016 Human Rights Council report and resolution on the right to work  

2011 April – Catastrophic discussion in the ILO on Unjustified Dismissal

I had the responsibility to prepare the background document for a tripartite discussion on unjustified dismissal. The report of the tripartite committee reflected the strong opposition between those that recognized that it was necessary to balance the employer’s right to dismiss a worker for a valid reason and to ensure the worker’s right not to… Seguir leyendo 2011 April – Catastrophic discussion in the ILO on Unjustified Dismissal

2015 World Bank Publication – Balancing regulations to promote jobs

  For the World Bank, “balancing” labour regulations is a crucial policy challenge. Almost all of these regulations have been created by the International Labour Organization. The Authors needed assistance from the ILO on some important instruments. I provided guidance on termination of employment, which is considered as one of the most sensitive matters when… Seguir leyendo 2015 World Bank Publication – Balancing regulations to promote jobs

2014  OIT – Informe sobre la reforma laboral de 2012 en España

En el contexto de la crisis económica y monetaria que vivieron los países europeos desde 2008, la reforma laboral que hizo el Gobierno Rajoy en marzo de 2012 dio lugar a una reclamación ante la OIT de las dos confederaciones sindicales españolas. Las dos grandes confederaciones sindicales españolas (Comisiones Obreras y la Unión General de… Seguir leyendo 2014  OIT – Informe sobre la reforma laboral de 2012 en España

2010 – ILO Study on employment policy

    How to implement employment and skills policies achieving full, productive and freely chosen employment in the context of the 2008 crisis?  The study covered ILO international labour standards regarding Employment Policy, Human Development Resources, Public Employment Services, and Private Employment Agencies. It also covered ILO Recommendations regarding Cooperatives and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. I… Seguir leyendo 2010 – ILO Study on employment policy

2014 Marzo, Curitiba, Brasil, Conferencia sobre el Convenio 158

Ante una calificada audiencia de magistrados y juristas del Estado de Paraná (Brasil), dicté una conferencia sobre el despido injustificado en las normas internacionales del trabajo. Se sabe que el Gobierno de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, en noviembre de 1996, denunció el Convenio núm. 158 que había sido ratificado al final del Gobierno de Itamar Franco,… Seguir leyendo 2014 Marzo, Curitiba, Brasil, Conferencia sobre el Convenio 158